New releases (2023)

Integration with Outlook

Integrating RedSky with Outlook to upload documents: Using this functionality, a user can upload email attachments as documents directly from their Outlook (accessible via the web) to the respective File Cabinet for a service order or customer file

Migration to Amazon Web Services

Redsky Infrastructure has been migrated to AWS cloud to improve stability, scalability, reliability, and performance of the Redsky application

Enabled Email Template functionality for all customers

During the entire Move management process ie from initial contact to invoicing, there are many scenarios where you need to send out notification emails to the parties involved in a move. The Email template feature provides an easy way for you to set-up email templates and configure whom to send and what to send alongwith the relevant content and attachments.

Multiple email templates, which fetch information dynamically from Redsky, can be configured based on Job Type, Mode, Routing, Move Type, Service and several other parameters.

Enabled SO Dashboard functionality for all customers.

The Service Order Dashboard presents a consolidated view of the key details for a service order. It provides key details from 'S/O Details', 'Status', 'Ticket', 'Accounting' and 'File Cabinet' tabs for quick reference. The dashboard displays sections for Origin, Forwarding, Destination, Tasks, Work Tickets, Finance and Documents. You can add notes on origin and destination sections.